Samuel Olou Komlan

Am I blind?
Fredag 23. februar 2024, kl. 19:00 - 22:00

KGG starter opp 2024 sesongen med et møte med kunstneren Samuel Olou! Samuel var en av deltagerne i Nasjonalmuseets åpningsutstilling «Jeg Kaller Det Kunst» og leder også KARP, Kamina Artist, and Researchers Residency Platform, i Kamina i Togo. Han kommer til garasjen med utstillingen “AM I BLIND?». Utstillingen åpner og er åpen fredag 23.februar 2024, fra kl. 19.00 til ca 22.00. One night only. Velkommen!

Samuel Olou presenterer utstillingen slik;

«The project AM I BLIND?, (an on going sculpture installation project) is inspired by the painting entitled “The Blind Lead the Blind” by Dutch artist Jheronimus Bosch (1655). It is about highlighting the notion of our contemporary society and our so-called civilized world. Our society faces major challenges where skin color is a determining factor in how one is treated in life. As a multicultural immigrant of African descent living in Norway, I find myself in the middle of social chaos. Far-right circles are multiplying and discrimination and racism are for many almost daily phenomena.

In such a dangerous existence, I started to think: what would happen to our children in the future? Is there any hope in the future for a better life for those who seek refuge in our safe zones? These questions occupied my mind, and pushed me to put my own experiences as an artist into perspective to work and experiment with a project of classic political conflicts and social misunderstandings by asking this fundamental question: Can we reduce prejudice and create human connections through art? This Project aims to comment on racism from a Norwegian perspective and connect it to the already existing social debate. My ambition is to create debate, reflection and ask questions about human consciousness and politics in our world.»